Looking for support?
For those of you living in the Netherlands as an expat my therapy is also available in English.
As a psycho-energetic therapist, I offer support for those of us who suffer from chronic mental challenges such as depression, anxiety, grief, traumatic experiences, and unresolved emotions.
My approach focuses on deep process work, where each symptom or conflict is seen as a valuable signal of underlying processes in your subconscious. Together, we explore these processes and utilize them as opportunities for transformation and healing.
My therapy aims at the integration of body, mind, and soul, enabling you to reconnect with your true self. This allows you to let your natural energy flow, making you more powerful and balanced. In short: “Your right energy everywhere”.
This depth work needs investment and commitment from both parties over a longer time. Sessions are one hour long and take place in person in my practice in Rotterdam. Depending on the severity of the crisis, we meet on an average of 2 times a month. Private sessions cost EUR 121,– (incl. VAT) per hour. Business sessions cost EUR 181,50 (incl. VAT) per hour.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information or in case of any questions.